Slay the Official Hydroport Hoodie or T-Shirt to Slay Cool in Summer and Warm in Winter! On Sale Now! Slay Hydrated with a Hydroport Official Water Bottle! Get Yours Today!

Jennifer Dale Slayton - Author, Artist, and CEO of THT Industries

JD Slayton the Author and CEO - Original Titles on Amazon! ⤵

JD Slayton - The Firefly Painter - Original Firefly Art on Ebay! ⤵

JD Slayton - The Energy Remedy!

The Greenhouse Soul - Botanical Brilliance

JD Slayton Original Guide Book to Slaying Pro-Aging on Your Greenest Vibes⤵

JD Slayton Original Designs - Physical Product Shops! ⤵

JD Slayton Original Photography and Fine Art Prints ⤵

JD Slayton Original Tumblr Blogs!

JD Slayton Original Hydroport.Life App - Free Download! ⤵