Thy Hydro Report #5 Slay Publications 2024 by JD Slayton Author and CEO
Call To Action:
- All Humans on Earth twenty years from now WILL CARE about how HOT the planet's surface is if we don't do something to heal the climate now! Earth can't wait.
- We are Humanity! We care.
Act Now!
- We must act now if we want to heal the climate before it's too late, seeing as fossil fuels will be completely depleted by 2090.
The Remedy!
- THT Industries and Hydroport Official | Hydroport.Life Introduces the Climate Crisis Remedy for a Happy Earth!
- We can do this if we work together, because we are human beings, and you and me are a beautiful species when we choose to unite for the greater good!
The Human Unity Project
- When humans join together, we become one family and one tribe from the same source. We are miracles birthed on Earth, each and every one of us. #truth
- We can do anything we put our collective minds to, and we don't need AI to do that for us. #trueandtrue
- We are capable of so much, because we are the most intelligent creatures on Earth. We can heal the climate by applying the remedy - when we come together - united by like minds, a mutual cause, and our equal effort of arising to our highest vibes and aligning with our highest ordained God-worth.